data analytics

The Transformation Accelerator program’s third learning session is scheduled to be held on July 24, 2018 at Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Total Health in Washington, DC.

See below for information related to the in-person event:

For registration information, click here.

learning objectives

  • Share your progress towards your aims and challenges
  • Understand the purposes for measurement and using data to improve care
  • Identify and practice with the key components to develop a strong infrastructure and culture around data driven care and improvements
  • Share and learn about best practices for transforming data into useful tools and workflows to do applied population management as part of your planned care and outreach efforts
  • Identify three actions to take back to your organization


Prepare a storyboard slide deck to share during your team’s lightning round, including: your core team, aims and measures, primary drivers and changes, data visuals, learnings and challenges.


Faculty Biographies
Case Study Storybook – Data Governance in Action
Analytics Capability Assessment & Action Plan
HITEQ QI Guide & Checklist for Analyzing Performance Measure Data
Team Time Worksheet
PDSA Worksheet Template
Run Chart Rules
Event Evaluation Survey



Full Slide Deck – KPTA July 24th Learning Session
KPTA Shared Project

Sharon Zalewski, Regional Primary Care Coalition

KPTA Health Center Storyboards
Data Governance to Optimize Data for Population Health Management

SA Kushinka, Center for Care Innovations and Jerry Lassa, Data Matt3rs

Data Governance Action Planning

SA Kushinka, Center for Care Innovations and Jerry Lassa, Data Matt3rs

Using Data to Drive Population Health Activities

Boris Kalikstein, Pivotal Moment Consulting

related resources

Health Care Landscape in Prince George’s County


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