Written by: Center for Care Innovations

These examples provide a more detailed implementation guide based on projects in the Texting for Better Care Program.

  • San Francisco Department of Public Health Implementation Resources – This packet details SFDPH’s text message implementation process using eClinicalMessenger a component of their Electronic Health Record provider eClinicalWorks (eCW). It includes general guidelines for using text messaging, workflows & scripts, training materials, and suggested metrics.
  • Olive View Medical Center Prospective Action in Care Transitions (PROACT) User Guide and Toolkit – This toolkit developed by OVMC provides an overview of the purpose/need for their texting system through Ellipsis Health; a description of Information Flows; an implementation checklist; lessons learned; logic model for texting program; outcome measures; and more. It should also be noted that OVMC did not implement their texting intervention due to changes in their system’s policies and Electronic Health Record implementation.

These are examples only and not an endorsement of a specific texting solution or platform.



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