Twice a year, Kaiser Permanente and the Center for Care Innovations bring together the 18 teams involved in the PHASE program for an in-person convening of the 2017-2019 PHASE learning community. The three broad objectives for our convenings: knowledge dissemination, skill building, and peer sharing.
The day was headlined Kaiser Permanente Division of Research Scientist Dr. Alyce Adams, who addressed both clinical and practical angles to issues of equity and hypertension care. Dr. Adams is the Associate Director of Health Care Delivery and Policy and a member of KP’s Disparities Working Group and the Advisory Committee on Quality for the California Healthy Families Program. We also offered three workshops related to equity and gathered the feedback into the word cloud below:
Thanks all for making this a great day!
Event Materials
Agenda |
Event Booklet Includes all content for the day, including speaker biographies. |
Main Program Slides |
Building Blocks Placemats |
WORKSHOP #1Building Community Partnerships for Hypertension Outreach, Center for Excellence in Primary Care at UCSF with Dr. Kenji Taylor, Family and Community Medicine at UCSF, Chris Chirinos, Center for Excellence in Primary Care, and local barbers from the Cut Hypertension Program |
It’s often necessary to go beyond the four walls of the clinic to reach patients most at risk for heart disease where they are—in our communities—especially as part of the pursuit for equity in hypertension care.This workshop will discuss the topic of community partnerships within the context of the fascinating Cut Hypertension Program, which brings BP screenings to African-American barbershops. Barbers are trained to be health coaches to identify clients who have hypertension or other medical/mental health concerns, and then refer them to health care services.
Workshop faculty will include Chris Chirinos from CEPC along with the Cut Hypertension Program’s local founder, Dr. Kenji Taylor from UCSF Family Medicine, and some of the Bay Area barbers bringing this program to life. The workshop will discuss:
This workshop is ideal for: Providers, care team members, and administrators looking to engage a community partner in hypertension care. Participants are encouraged to come prepared with a specific community partner in mind with whom they can apply insights from the workshop.
WORKSHOP #2The Empathy Effect: Countering Bias to Improve Health Outcomes,with Michele Nanchoff, Institute for Health Care Communication |
Trusting relationships between the entire healthcare team and our patients are essential for effective care. Yet, in our work, as in all human interactions, people hold ideas and feelings about others that may inadvertently involve judgment, demonstrate stigma, and reflect bias—all of which are especially harmful to vulnerable populations, and can lead to inequities.We all have judgments, and we can learn to mitigate them. An evidence-based effective way to do this? Empathy.
The behaviors that embody empathy are learnable and teachable, which is why we are bringing back Michele Nanchoff from the Institute for Healthcare Communication, who taught the Patient Communication Skills workshop last convening. This fast-paced, interactive workshop (which a few PHASE sites are already using, to rave reviews) teaches strategies for recognizing and countering triggers of judgment and specific skills for conveying empathy. By applying the straightforward skills from this workshop to everyday interactions, staff can reduce the risk of bias, provide more equitable care, and increase patient adherence and satisfaction. Furthermore, when staff use skills that convey empathy, they experience fewer “difficult” interactions and report greater job satisfaction, which can increase retention and decrease burnout. This workshop is ideal for: Providers, care team members, and anyone working with patients and families or managing those who do.
WORKSHOP #3Structural Determinants of Health: Examining and Addressing the Forces behind Inequity, Structural Competency Working Group For more structural competency training resources visit
Why do health disparities exist? How do we move toward equity in our work? This workshop will go beyond the common behavioral, cultural, and biological explanations of health disparities to analyze the structural forces behind inequity.How do policies, economics, and institutions (including our judicial and educational systems) produce and perpetuate health disparities and social inequities in categories including race, class, gender, and sexuality? Recognizing the impact of these social structures on patients, providers, and care organizations is essential for caring for the populations we serve, and a necessary step forward toward equity.
In this workshop by the Structural Competency Working Group—composed of clinicians, scholars, public health professionals, students, educators, and community members—participants will:
This workshop is ideal for: Anyone who works in a clinical setting serving vulnerable populations. Having a critical analysis of the broader structures that create and perpetuate health inequity is essential for caring for the populations served in the safety net and a necessary step toward equity. |
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