Not too long ago, it was an elbow-to-elbow, shoulder-to-shoulder job. That’s one of the things community health workers liked most about their job with the Community Health Center Network (CHCN). Th…

Dr. Brian Hurley, the clinical director for CCI’s Addiction Treatment Starts Here: Primary Care program, talks about medication for addiction treatment (MAT).

In 2006, a group of San Francisco physicians recognized that the health care system wasn’t meeting the needs of people coming home from incarceration. Individuals were being unnecessarily hospitaliz…

More than 25 million Americans are suffering from chronic pain, and the overprescribing of opioids to treat these patients is helping fuel to the country’s growing opioid epidemic. Doctors now face…

Building on our recent webinar on the subject, here are eight tips for successfully implementing tablets in partnership with patients in the health care safety net.

Roots Community Health Center is giving formerly incarcerated Californians a fresh start — at home, in the workplace, and for their health.

It’s launch day! We’re excited to unveil the new and improved For months, we’ve been redesigning our website with you in mind.

Waiting rooms are a major pain point in the patient experience. Here are several ways to turn passive waiting into active care, wasted time into opportunity.

You have a great idea. You’ve already prototyped and tested it. You’ve even analyzed the outcomes and used those insights to refine your solution. But now you face a big obstacle: Building support…

Getting patients to show up to their medical appointments remains one of the biggest problems facing community health today. Hitch Health tackles these no-shows by linking the electronic health recor…