The Center for Community Health Evaluation (CCHE) The Center for Community Health and Evaluation (CCHE) has been involved for over 10 years in evaluating the impact of Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region Community Health’s investment in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition to providing comprehensive quarterly data analysis of the clinical quality measures, CCHE’s evaluation involves phone interviews with project teams, annual surveys, and administration of a capacity assessment. The CCHE team appreciates your engagement in evaluation activities and enjoys having the chance to learn from your work.
Data reports are due to CCHE one month after the end of each quarter.
For example, 2018 Q1 data should be submitted by April 30. Download the latest template below. Please submit your data to Carly Levitz. CCHE will return dashboards to your team about a month after each deadline for quarterly review and discussion.
Last Updated: May 2019
Still have questions? Email Carly.
In addition to creating your quarterly TC3 dashboards from your data submissions, CCHE produces initiative-wide reports to show the collective impact of this learning community.
Data or Reporting Questions?
Your CCHE Evaluation Team is here to help:
Director, CCHE
Research Associate/Program Manager, CCHE