Transforming Cardiovascular Care in our Communities Program Portal

TC3 Support Portal - [Program Ended March 2021]


This program ended in March 2021. This website is no longer being updated.

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Action Items & Updates

This page includes resources for TC3 program participants. Note that this program ended in March 2021 and this site is no longer being updated.


TC3 Newsletters

Final Newsletter Available here
March 2021 Available here
February 2021 Available here


Learning Sessions & Site Visits

March 23, 2021 - Final Virtual Learning Session
March 23, 2021 - Final Virtual Learning Session
This is the final convening for both PHASE and TC3 programs. We celebrated program accomplishments, spotlighted the hard work of PHASE and TC3 teams, and reflected on how the last year challenged us to advance our thinking about the possibilities of caring for patients with or at risk for cardiovascular disease.
December 3, 2019 - Central Valley Peer Learning Site Visits
December 3, 2019 - Central Valley Peer Learning Site Visits
Grantees in the PHASE and TC3 programs visited Livingston Community Health and Community Medical Centers, Inc. to learn about their promising practices and innovative approaches to improve care for patients at risk for cardiovascular disease.
November 5, 2019 - Learning Session #1
November 5, 2019 - Learning Session #1
This first in-person learning session focused on topics of the application of best practices for BP measurement and care management, how to build leadership and influence skills, and developing a problem statement, SMART aim, and driver diagram for the TC3 initiative.
June 3, 2019 - TC3 Program Kickoff Meeting
June 3, 2019 - TC3 Program Kickoff Meeting
This in-person session was an introduction to the TC3 program. The three TC3 teams came together to get grounded in QI principles and elements of human-centered design.

Virtual Learning: Webinars

Addressing Health Inequities Through Patient & Community Engagement
Addressing Health Inequities Through Patient & Community Engagement
September 17, 2020

Click for more details.
Leaders from the National Health Foundation, PFCCpartners, Vision y Compromiso, and Cook County Health and Hospitals System share their stories about partnering with community members and patients to tackle inequities linked to race, ethnicity, poverty, and class.
Caring for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Against the Backdrop of COVID-19 and Systemic Racism
Caring for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease Against the Backdrop of COVID-19 and Systemic Racism
August 19, 2020

Click for more details.
A conversation about how we provide equitable care for patients with chronic conditions, such as hypertension and diabetes, given the impact of systemic and institutional racism. Hear from health care leaders from Kaiser Permanente and California Safety Net organizations on how their work to eliminate disparities has evolved.
Empathic Communication Strategies for Telemedicine
Empathic Communication Strategies for Telemedicine
During this public health crisis, empathic communication has never been more important — virtually and in-person, in our homes and at work. In this interactive webinar, participants learned more about the compelling research behind these skills, examined real-world examples, and practiced two important and practical strategies.
Self-measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) Monitoring
Self-measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) Monitoring
National experts in self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring from the American Medical Association (AMA) provided an overview of how clinical care teams can use SMBP with their patients. This presentation reviewed recent changes regarding reimbursement for SMBP-related services, national quality metrics, and a resource to assist in choosing a validated home blood pressure measurement device.
Navigating the Shift Back to In-Person Care Amidst COVID-19 Fears
Navigating the Shift Back to In-Person Care Amidst COVID-19 Fears
Now several months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an evolving transition into the “new normal” of a hybrid care delivery model: balancing telehealth, in-person, and in-building care. This timely session surfaced early efforts of designed solutions that incorporate and address patients’ needs and concerns at this time. Featuring interviews with: Dr. Laura Wong of UCSF Health, and Brandon Bettencourt and Meagan Mulligan of Chapa-De Indian Health.
TC3 / PHASE Share & Learn Session
TC3 / PHASE Share & Learn Session
Our first planned in a series of monthly Share & Learn webinars. Through small group breakouts, teams learned from one another to share what is working or not working – having access to “just in time” content to support them in testing / operationalizing new approaches and workflows, particularly in this shift to the virtual space amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Population Care During COVID-19: Caring for Patients with Chronic Conditions
Population Care During COVID-19: Caring for Patients with Chronic Conditions
Dr. Timothy Ho and Dr. Jeffrey Brettler presented and answered audience questions about how the Southern California Permanente Medical Group is handling the challenge of continuing to care for patients with chronic conditions, while also managing COVID-19.
TC3 / PHASE Virtual Session: CVD Care Delivery with COVID-19
TC3 / PHASE Virtual Session: CVD Care Delivery with COVID-19
March 31, 2020

Click for more details.
This virtual session with TC3 and PHASE participants addressed teams' biggest challenges right now, particularly in relation to chronic disease management in the time of COVID-19.
Wireside Chat: Overcoming Barriers in Improving Blood Pressure Control
Wireside Chat: Overcoming Barriers in Improving Blood Pressure Control
December 19, 2019

Click for more details.
During this webinar, Dr. Jeffrey Brettler discussed the recognized key drivers of blood pressure control and how Kaiser Permanente was able to be successful in creating the care systems and processes to support blood pressure control.

Key Resources


Change Package



Resource Library