PHASE/TC3 – 3/31 Virtual Session: CVD Care Delivery with COVID-19
In lieu of the March in-person learning session, we are hosting a 2-hour virtual learning session for both PHASE and Southern California TC3 colleagues on Tuesday, March 31st, 11am – 1pm.
In an effort to support you in protecting and caring for your patients, we will dedicate the session to addressing your biggest challenges right now, particularly in relation to chronic disease management in the time of COVID-19. This will be your time to learn from and share with your peers about your successes and challenges as you strive to operationalize necessary changes and lead your teams effectively – all while continuing to provide excellent care and health management for patients with hypertension and diabetes. This will also be an opportunity for our CCI team to learn how we can best support you in the months ahead. We are excited to be joined by Dr. Eric Henley from LifeLong Medical Care and Dr. Michael Mulligan from Chapa-De Indian Health, who will be co-facilitating the session and sharing their expertise in leading change successfully.
Session Content
1. Agenda2. Slide Deck3. Breakout Notes Synthesis4. Video Recordings: Opening Remarks | Breakout #1 Operations Debrief | Breakout #2 Leadership Debrief, Leadership Elements, Closing |
Video: Opening Remarks
Video: Breakout #1 Debrief – Peer Learning for Operations
Video: Breakout #2 Debrief – Peer Learning for Leadership + Six Essential Influencing Elements for Leadership + Closing
Session Logistics Register here
Date and TimeMarch 31, 2020, 11 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. |
Login details