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This library houses resources in focus areas of hypertension, diabetes, healthy living and tobacco cessation. Resources originate both from national experts and community health organizations, including PHASE and TC3 peers.


How to Use This Resource

There are a variety of filters you can use to narrow your search for resources. Use the Filter Key below to choose 1 or more filters to apply to the table of resources. You can select multiple options from a single filter category, as well as add multiple filters to a search. Additionally, you can click the magnifying glass icon and search for a keyword or key phrase.

View the How-To Video below:


Filter Key

You can filter by any of these fields and categories to narrow your search.

Focus Area Resource Type Audience/Role Author Type
Core Competency
Diabetes Case Studies & Stories Care Team Community Health Organizations Care Coordination
Healthy Living Clinical Guidelines, Protocols & Evidence Executive Leadership Kaiser Permanente Engaged Leadership
Hypertension Patient/Family-Facing Materials Health Educator National Professional Organizations Enhanced Access / Virtual Care
Tobacco Cessation Presentations & Webinars Medical Assistant Other Support Organizations Evidence-Based Care
Tools & Templates Nurse PHASE/TC3 Peers Health Equity
Training & Education Materials Pharmacist Patient-Centered Interactions
Physician QI Strategy
QI/Data Analyst Team-Based Care


Resource Library

Use the resource table below to filter and search for resources.

If you’d like to view a larger version of this library, click here.


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If you’re having trouble using this resource, we can help you. We’d also appreciate any feedback you have to give. Use this form to let us know.