On May 15, 2019, our Resilient Beginnings Collaborative teams met for a third time. We gathered to hear from others, both from inside the cohort and out, about the specifics of their screening workflows, ways of framing for patients and staff, and discussing about what comes next after the screen.
In addition to special guest Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris, Surgeon General of California, we were joined by faculty from the Community Medical Centers, Inc. and Cherokee Health Systems: both participants of the PICC Collaborative, a previous collaborative on trauma-informed care. Finally, teams worked to develop action plans for their next year of spreading and sustaining this work at their organizations. Below, you’ll find resources from the day.
Welcome, Overview of the Day, RBC Milestones & Screening Q&A (Download Slides)
Learning from the Experiences of Others: Approaches to Trauma & Resilience Informed CareTwo clinics from outside of the RBC cohort spoke to their experience implementing resilience informed care and engaging their community partners.
Team Storyboards Pair ShareTeams were paired up to share prepared storyboards about a project they completed in their first year. |
Futures Without Violence: Moving from ACES Scores to Building Family Resilience. (Download Slides)The team at Futures Without Violence, a health and social justice nonprofit based in San Francisco that works to health those traumatized by violence and create health families, joined us to share about their approach to ending childhood trauma. They shared highlights from their curriculum and training
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