Application Overview
In partnership with Elizabeth Morrison Consulting, CCI is launching a Motivational Interviewing Community of Practice for grantees in the PHASE and TC3 programs. Below you will find information about the Community of Practice and application process.
Table of Contents
Background |
Community of Practice Components |
Participation Expectations |
Timeline |
What Makes a Strong Applicant? |
Travel Reimbursement |
Informational Webinar |
Contact Us |
Apply Now! |
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is effective in improving patient health outcomes, patient experience, and job satisfaction. In PHASE and TC3, it can be used to support, elicit, and activate patient self-management of their health and wellness, including adhering to their mediations/care plans, making and keeping their appointments, and engaging in behaviors that reduce their risk for developing hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.
Due to high demand for MI training, the technical assistance team for PHASE and TC3 cannot provide enough training to meet demand. Additionally, one time training for individual staff on MI is often not sufficient for translating MI into daily work. MI-consistent communication at the organization level requires deeper culture shifts around partnering with patients.
This Community of Practice (CoP) will use a Train the Trainer (TTT) model in order to:
- Provide deeper and broader training of MI within organizations and applied practice of MI
- Build the capacity of PHASE and TC3 organizations to do their own MI training in house
Community of Practice Components
The design of this CoP facilitates deep learning and development of MI facilitators. The course consists of monthly 6-hour sessions for 4 months, with new facilitators engaging in homework and practice workshops at your organization between sessions.
Deep Learning and Development: Foundational practices in mindfulness and empathic presence are coupled with rigorous MI skill building.
Broad Expertise: During the course, facilitators are practicing 2 things equally: their own MI skills as practitioners, and their facilitation skills as trainers.
Continuous Feedback and Improvement: New facilitators are given feedback at each TTT session and obtain evaluations at each practice workshop.
Outcome Driven: Data on employee experience in the MI CoP, number of workshops completed by employees, number of employees MI trained by the new facilitators, and workshop evaluation scores of new facilitators are all collected and shared with leaders.
What’s Included?
- Online library of tools and resources for trainers and participants, including customizable slide decks, evaluation forms, workshop support handouts, and resources for continued MI learning for both facilitators and their workshop participants.
- Unlimited email and phone support for new MI facilitators during the duration of the MI CoP.
- Consultation with organization leaders, such as HR Directors, CEOs, COOs, and others on embedding MI principles within the organization, supporting new facilitators in their work, and ensuring a capable training infrastructure.
Motivational Interviewing Community of Practice runs from January 2020 to April 2020. Key dates include:
Request for Applications Released | November 4, 2019 |
Informational Webinar | November 13, 2019 |
Application Deadline | December 2, 2019 |
Cohort Announced & Program Start | December 13, 2019 |
In-Person Workshop 1 | January 21, 2020 (SF Bay Area, TBD) |
In-Person Workshop 2 | February 18, 2020 (SF Bay Area, TBD) |
In-Person Workshop 3 | March 17, 2020 (SF Bay Area, TBD) |
In-Person Workshop 4 | April 14, 2020 (SF Bay Area, TBD) |
Program End | April 2020 |
Travel Reimbursement
CCI will provide reimbursement for mileage, parking, and hotel costs. If your organization is within 50 miles of the workshop location, hotel costs will not be reimbursed. If you plan to book a hotel room the evening before, we have a total maximum reimbursement of $250, including all taxes and fees, for one night. You must complete a reimbursement request after participating in the MI CoP workshop to receive reimbursement.
If you are traveling from Southern California, we will cover flight costs up to $250 round trip.
Participation Expectations
- Select two to three facilitators from any single organization. Facilitating MI workshops in pairs is best; they give each other support and feedback, and otherwise increase the chances of continual improvement in facilitation skills. Additionally, having only one leaves the organization vulnerable to losing their only MI trainer.
- If one of the facilitators does not do direct patient care, it is usually important to ensure the second facilitator chosen, does engage in direct patient care. This helps the pair feel relevant to any participant group.
- The individuals chosen will need protected time and supportive resources to conduct ongoing MI trainings. For this reason, it is important to select individuals who the organization is willing to do this with; equally important is selecting individuals who have excellent time management and execution skills, as the MI work is likely not built into their job description (although it is best, down the road, if it is!)
- Each facilitator will need to dedicate 1 day a month for 4 months to attend the MI CoP course sessions, and an additional 3-5 hours a month in practice, MI resource review, facilitator practice and preparing and conducting MI workshops.
- Between session 1 and 2, dedicate 2-3 hours practicing facilitation of the MI workshop with your MI CoP colleagues at your organization.
- Starting after session 2, dedicate 3-5 hours a month to preparing for, and delivering, an MI workshop at your organization (at least one monthly)
- Between session 3 and 4, collaborate with your organization’s leaders to develop a plan for delivering regular MI workshops at your organization.
- Facilitator will read William Miller’s Book: “Listening Well: The Art of Empathic Understanding” before session 1.
What Makes A Strong Applicant?
- Ensure organizational agreement and commitment to spread MI skills throughout the organization or clinic network. There is clarity on how use of MI will help the organization achieve its strategic goals and its goals for PHASE or TC3.
- Select 2 or 3 individuals to participate in the MI CoP who:
- are passionate about the importance of communication in health care, and have demonstrated this through words and actions.
- have a history of developing, leading, or engaging in successful quality improvement activities.
- have excellent relationships with patients, co-workers, supervisors, and direct reports.
- are enthusiastic about engaging in the course and becoming MI facilitators for this organization. This voluntary nature is important.
- are perceived as people who are highly skilled communicators already. They are often called on to have difficult conversations with patients, to assist in de-escalation, or to facilitate agreement between two parties.
- have a history of public speaking. For example: teaching, training, or facilitating large meetings. Personal experience speaking publicly is equally valuable, for example: delivering talks in church, the PTA, or other community groups.
- are leaders; however, they don’t need a formal leadership title. They can be leaders by influence, by initiative and motivation, or by personal characteristics.
- MI facilitators can be any discipline or position (medical or BH provider, receptionist, nurse, medical assistant, etc.) and do not need to have direct patient contact. There is no particular education or experience that makes someone a better MI practitioner or facilitator – MI is very egalitarian in this sense. Some of the best MI facilitators come from HR, Billing, or IT.
Informational Webinar
We held an informational webinar on Wednesday, November 13, 2019 at 12pm PT.
Here are the slides for the webinar. You can watch the recording below:
Apply Now!
The application is due on Monday, December 2, 2019 at 5:00pm PT. The Community of Practice will be announced by Friday, December 13, 2019.
Upon reviewing applications, we may request follow-up information or schedule a phone call with your team. We intend to select 5 teams for the Community of Practice. CCI will contact you by December 13, 2019 to let you whether you have been accepted into the Community of Practice.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the Motivational Interviewing Community of Practice and application process, contact Nikki Navarrete.