We are so excited to announce our two site visit locations for this year. Read on for the site visit overviews and complete the request form below by Wednesday, February 13.
Site Visit Overviews | Registration Form
You will be able to send up to 2 members of your team to each visit. We encourage you to send four different individuals to the visits. We strongly recommend that a team lead attend The Children’s Clinic site visit as we’ll meet over lunch with some lead-specific items.
- Breakfast and lunch will be provided at the site visit by the host organization.
- All travel costs (flights, hotel, other transportation and other meals) will be covered through your RBC grant award. CCI will not be reimbursing costs.
- All site visits will be a full day (approx. 9am-5pm). When saving the date, please allow ample travel time. More travel details are available below.
We are working with the host sites to co-develop the agenda, with your input. The structure of the site visits allow for Q/A, small group discussions, clinic tours, and opportunities to speak with different members of the care team.
On Both Site Visits…
- …you will have the opportunity to learn more about each organizations’ trauma-informed care approach. Potential topics include deep dives into: approaches to screening; implementation successes and challenges; building partnerships and referral relationships; patient and family engagement; and training, onboarding, and sustaining TIC education beyond initial training.
- …we will go on a clinic tour, as well as opportunities to hear from different staff members’ perspectives.
What’s Different:
- The TCC visit will include a heavier emphasis on community partnerships, including TCC’s work extending their TIC approach and training to their local government and other community agencies.
- The Montefiore visit will include a heavier emphasis on how to sustain and spread TIC across larger systems and also on their continual work to deeper and sustain the training and support they provide staff.