Written by: Center for Care Innovations

The Social Interventions Research & Evaluation Network (SIREN) at UCSF hosted a webinar on strategies safety net clinics use to finance social needs initiatives. Speakers included:

  • Laura Gottlieb, MD, MPH, Director of SIREN;
  • Michael Tang, MD, Clinical Director of Behavioral Health Integration at The Dimock Center;
  • Noha Aboelata, MD, CEO of Roots Community Health Center; and
  • Kersten Lausch, Director, State Affairs, National Association of Community Health Centers

This webinar provides a brief overview of findings in the new report, How Do Safety Net Clinics Pay for Social Care Programs?, developed by SIREN, with the support of the Center for Care Innovations.


Individuals that are interested in learning about how various safety net clinics fund their social needs efforts.

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