This webinar was held for CCI’s Addiction Treatment Starts Here programs on January 28, 2020. Brittany McCafferty, PhD, Behavioral Health Consultant for Cherokee Health Systems, explores methods to tailor strategies to meet patients where they are in their substance use disorder recovery process.
Those who are working with patients in various stages of change, including those who are pre-contemplative about change or particular treatment options.
- As providers, demeanor and language impact the type of information a patient may share and the likelihood that the patient will continue to engage with the clinic overtime.
- Patients don’t move in a linear way through the stages of change. Patients move in and out of these stages throughout the course of their treatment.
- For patients who may not be ready to start MAT, or to begin behavioral therapy, care teams can convey their readiness to help in the future in any area of the patient’s journey, including SUD.
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