From Tactics and Technology, Chapter 4 of the 5 part Building a Data-Driven Culture: A Video Learning Series.
Chapter 4: Tactics and Technology
Data is the heartbeat of improvement science, and technology is integral to collecting, communicating and working with data. This section explores the tactical and technical issues of the data driven culture.
Data and Improvement Tactics
Improvement advisor Jonathan Merrell explores fundamental principles of using data for improvement.
- 3 Types of Data and Their Uses
- Using Run Charts to Maximize Learning
- Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data
- Using the PDSA Model for Improvement
Data Visualization
All About Dashboards
Jerry Lassa, principal at Data Matt3rs, walks through the essentials of building and using dashboards.
- What are Dashboards and Scorecards?
- Dashboard Design Features
- Selecting a Dashboard Tool
- Who Gets (Or Uses) Dashboards?
- Dashboards in Action
- Advanced Statistical Analyses
Technology Trends
A look at the landscape of tech, tools and trends for healthcare analytics.
- Technical Solutions for Analytics
- Technical Architecture for Analytics (currently viewing)
- Precise Registries for Population Health Management
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