This is the landing page for the PHASE Community of Practice focused on implementing Self-Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) programs. It involves PHASE participants who are prioritizing SMBP as a strategy to increase patient engagement, medication adherence, and blood pressure control. 

The SMBP Community of Practice will work through the newly released NACHC SMBP Implementation Guide and meet regularly to share tips and challenges, with guidance from coach Jerry Osheroff. Interested in getting involved? Let Alexis know.

You can find all the resources from the SMBP CoP activities here. We’ll be developing the page as we go, so check back often.


Meeting Date
Action Items
August 14 Watch the recording here. Slides
March 18 Watch the recording here. Slides
November 2 Watch the recording here. Slides

SMBP Dropbox

October 2 Watch the recording here. Slides Add SMBP Materials to DropboxAdd your organization’s SMBP materials to the Dropbox link here or email Alexis your documents.
August 30: Kickoff Meeting Watch the recording here. NACHC SMBP Implementation Guide

Notes & Minutes


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