Charter for Improvement (CFI) Year-End Reflection submission

Purpose.  Your Charter for Improvement (CFI) is your roadmap to achieve PHASE goals.  The CFI defines measurable aims, your chosen change strategies, and your technical assistance needs.

The key to PHASE success is building your organization’s population care capabilities.  Rapid learning is the key for building capabilities.   This 2018 reflection helps us learn together about:

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t?
  • What were the causes?
  • What might you test next?
  • What do you need from KP, CCHE, or CCI?

We will use this information to support you more effectively in 2019.

Instructions. Review your July 2018 CFI Update and submit your responses to the questions below. Responses should be approximately 100 to 300 words per question and are due by January 2, 2019. It is ok to use partial sentences/bullets as long as it is clear. Please upload the budget report as well.

Download Budget Template  Download CFI YER Guide


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