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Teams participating in ATSH:BH will submit their quarterly data from the required (and any selected optional measures) using the program’s data portal. Learn below how to use this portal and enter data.
CCI and its partner National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) have created a data portal for ATSH teams to submit data.
Training resources for how to use the data portal are as follows:
User Guide:
This guide provides written instructions and screenshots of how to use the portal. It includes information about logging in, entering data, viewing run chart reports and downloading PDF and csv files of the data. The website for the data portal is: (You must contact Meaghan first to get an account created for you).
How-To Video:
This video walks through how to use the data portal and provides a more visual walk-through of the site.
How-To: Data Run Chart Reports
Get the most out of the ATSH data portal with the data run charts. These charts allow you to view trends in your individual team data, as well as cohort aggregate data. This how-to video shows how to navigate the different reports. Individual team reports are reviewed first. Skip to 9:40 to learn about aggregate reports. For Primary Care Wave 1 teams, skip to 14:52 to learn about stratified group reports.
Data Portal Q&A:
Where can we find the measure definitions within the portal? | Within the portal, the definitions are included if you hover over the info symbol next to each submeasure: ![]() |
How do we enter and see data if we have more than one site participating in the program? | You will enter data for each site individually. The sites are listed as separate team organizations within the data portal. If you would like to see data from both your sites compared on a run chart, please let Meaghan know and we will configure that for you in the system. |
Who on my team has access to the portal? | Team leads have been assigned their own accounts. If you are a team lead and want other members of your team to have access, please let Meaghan know via email and she will make the extra accounts. You can also print run charts, so if you want to print the run charts themselves, this can be something that you can share with your team during meetings. |
What is the annotation field used for? | Annotation is a brief description. They are notes that you would like to share about your data. This is not required, but could be very useful to include. Example: the quarter is during the summer and one of your main prescribers is on vacation for two months – this might impact your data and would be something to note. |
Program Measures Q&A
Question | Answer |
Where can we find the measure definitions outside the portal? | You can view the measures & definitions in this document. |
Our team has questions about the measure definitions, who do we contact for help? | You can email Meaghan ([email protected]) and she will put you in touch with the evaluator, Dr. Mark McGovern. You may also email Mark directly, but please copy Meaghan on that email. |
What measures are required? | Your team is only required to report on the three core measure sets (A,B,C). Your team may submit data on any of the optional measures if you choose. |
When do we need to let CCI know if we’re completing optional measures? | If your team feels comfortable making this decision by the April 15th deadline to submit the first quarter data, then let Meaghan know at least a few days in advance of your team entering data into the data portal. Teams can also wait to submit on optional measures in Q2. |
What if we want to track data on measures that aren’t listed in the document? | That’s great! We encourage you to collect data on any measures that are relevant and useful to your team. We also encourage you to collect and review data on a more regular basis than what is required for the program. We only require you to report to us on the required measures. You may find that working with your coach to identify and review other measures will be useful to you. |
When is the first data entry due and how do we submit? | Due April 15. Enter data on portal. This portal was developed by National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ) in partnership with CCI.
The data entry form will be available starting April 1st. Data should be submitted for the period January 1-March 31, 2019. |
How often do we need to submit data? | Data for the required (core) measures will be due every three months. Click here for a list of due dates. |
How can we learn how to log in and use the data portal? | Team leads have accounts created and will receive new user emails with information about how to log into the portal. Requests can be submitted to Meaghan to have other team members receive accounts.
To learn how to use the data portal you may review this User Guide or this How-To Video, which is a condensed version of the full Data Portal Training Webinar held on March 18th. |
What data formats does the data portal support? | There is a built in form within the data portal where teams will enter just the counts numbers and numerator and denominator numbers. Teams will need to generate these numbers using their EHRs and other technology tools to get rolled up numbers. The portal will automatically generate percentages after numerators and denominators are entered. |