resilient beginnings network Virtual learning session 7
Thursday, March 24, 2022, 12:00PM – 2:00PM (PST)
Session Overview
During this virtual learning session, RBN teams will have the opportunity to hear from the New Beginnings Team at Santa Rosa Community Health about how they engaged patients in a trauma-informed way using Journey Mapping, a tool that allows care teams to understand the current state of their processes through the lived experiences of their patients and/or family caregivers. The team will share some of the insights and lessons they learned from patients through this process. Participants will also learn with other program participants who have similar RBN goals in Communities of Practice, and hear program updates and deliverables for Year 2 of the program.
Who should join?
All RBN program participants are expected to join this call.
Communities of practice
During the event, participants will choose one of three Community of Practice sessions that best aligns their work in RBN. Each Community of Practice will focus on key issues for RBN participants. If more than one community of practice fits with the organization’s work, RBN teams are encouraged to split up to attend different sessions.
- Trauma and Resilience Informed Systems Training Implementation: Participants will engage in strategies to implement the Trauma and Resilience Informed Systems training modules at all levels of their clinic. This session will be a blend of sharing strategies and problem-solving specific areas of concern in implementation.
Recommended for: all RBN clinics at the beginning stages of implementation or who are preparing to implement
Facilitated by: Brianna Young and Jen Leland from Trauma Transformed
- Building Reflective Space in Reactive Places: This is an interactive session that will provide the space for participants to understand how reactivity interferes with reflective practices, and for participants to practice reflection with each other. Recommended for: any RBN participant Facilitated by: Dr. Ken Epstein and Dr. Irene Sung
- A TRIADIC Approach to ACEs Screening & Response: Adversity, Distress, & Strengths: Participants will share where they are in their ACEs screening journeys, meet experts engaged in this work, and be introduced to the TRIADS Framework (Trauma and Resilience-Informed Inquiry for Adversity, Distress, and Strengths), an evidence-informed, healing approach for screening, provider response, and patient education about Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) in primary healthcare settings.
Recommended for: any RBN team members in organizations that are contemplating or currently screening for ACEs and responding, or any organization that is implementing trauma-informed care and wants to understand how to support children, families, and communities.
Facilitated by: Dr. Dayna Long and Dr. Leena Singh