How to Apply
Step 1: WATCH THE Informational Webinar (Optional)
Watch the Informational Webinar to hear a detailed description of the program and listen to some questions and answers. The slides from this webinar can be found here and detailed Q&A can be found here.
Step 2: Apply Online
Your proposal and budget must be submitted online by Monday, September 18, 2020 at 5pm
Applications should include the following:
- Application Submission Form
- Application Narrative: Includes responses to the eight questions listed below.
- Budget Template
- Tax Status Documentation
- Letter of Leadership Support: This letter should be submitted by either the CMO, COO, or CEO and demonstrate organizational commitment to addressing early childhood adversity and trauma. This includes dedicated time for the core team to fully participate in program and evaluation activities and implement changes at the clinical and organizational level. It should also outline their commitment to directly engage in the program in at least at 4 ways:
- Join a coaching call in phase 1 focused on how to support the team’s action plan for phase 2.
- Attend a learning session in phase 2 (expected late 2021, date TBD).
- Meet with the team in phase 3 to discuss spreading and sustaining progress and accomplishments in the program and ideas for where the organization could go deeper in year three.
- One additional touch point to be determined
Application Narrative Questions
Please limit responses to a maximum of 7 pages, using at least 11-point font and 1-inch margins.
- Pediatric Care Setting: Briefly describe the setting(s) and providers for birth to 5 primary care in your organization (number of clinic sites that provide care for this population, number and FTE equivalents of providers, and provider credentials).
- Timeliness and Alignment: Briefly describe how this program aligns with your broader organization goals and transformation efforts at this time. What are your top three priorities related to trauma- and resilience-informed pediatric care? What would success look like for these three priorities in three years?
- Commitment to Trauma-Informed Care in Pediatric Practice: Describe your organization’s history and experience with trauma-informed care and addressing early childhood adversity and other traumas and promoting resilience in pediatric care. For example: provider and/or staff training, clinical practices aimed at preventing trauma or promoting resilience, screening and assessment. If your organization has not done much in this area to date, please explain your current readiness to move forward and what, if any, activities you have planned within the next 6 months.
- Commitment to Racial Justice: Describe any specific steps your organization has taken to address and mitigate the impact of racism on the children and families you serve, and efforts to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for patients of color (e.g., hiring practices, office environment). What opportunities do you see for your organization to advance racial justice
- Community and Family Engagement: Please describe efforts by your organization to work with families and community organizations to address early childhood adversity and trauma. If no such efforts currently exist, please describe how you might involve external community partners and families in service delivery, planning, and implementation.
- Measures: What measures are you currently using or have your thought about using to understand how well your organization is addressing, mitigating, and responding to trauma in your pediatric populations?
- Contributions: In RBN, all participating teams are expected to be teachers and learners in the network. What are the unique contributions your team could make to RBN?
- Looking Ahead: What challenges would you expect to face in participating in this program? What can CCI do to help address these potential constraints? For example, what technical assistance and support would be most helpful to facilitate your efforts?
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Next Steps
CCI and our program partners will review applications. The cohort will be announced via email by Monday, October 19, 2020.