What good is a good idea that no one has heard about? In our work with some of the most innovative organizations and individuals in the safety net and the broader healthcare sector, we’ve encountered a wealth of radical notions, thoughtful solutions, and great best-practices—all being driven by the need for transformation of how our healthcare system works. But we also see how easy it is for good ideas to stay stuck in one clinic, one system, or even one department. And when it comes to building a healthcare system that works for the most vulnerable patients, we are all in this together.
So in 2014 we partnered with Blue Shield of California Foundation to launch our first Spreading Solutions program, which aimed to take fresh ideas that had been proven to work and spread them from successful adopters to more safety net organizations. Now, several years later we have learned a lot about what it takes to spread a good idea or solution.
Find below links to resources that explore this question of how to effectively spread solutions that work, as well as the challenges we have to overcome.
Spreading Innovation in the Safety Net: Barriers and Opportunities
A summary brief on a 2016 literature review by the Public Healthcare System Evidence Network and Innovation Exchange, supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation.
Evaluation of Our 2016 Spreading Solutions Program
Prepared for CCI by outside evaluator White Mountain Research Associates, this report looks at the program, from the innovations adopted by the participants to the challenges faced by teams trying to adopt various innovations.
Team Highlights
Western Sierras Medical Clinic
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