CALQIC session details:
Thursday, December 10, 2020 from 12:30Pm-2:00PM (PDT)


The focus of the December 10th session will be setting aims and a plan to move your ACEs screening and response work forward in the New Year.

Who should attend this session?

We’ll have carved out time for your team to meet as well as share and workshop your ideas with peers. Please make sure to have your core team register.


Karissa Luckett, RN, BSN, MSW

We are excited to be joined by Karissa Luckett, RN, BSN, MSW. Ms. Luckett started her Nursing career over 25 years ago, and is currently licensed in Texas as a Registered Nurse (RN). She has worked for the Center for Youth Wellness since 2016, initially serving as the National Pediatric Practice Community (NPPC) Coach. Ms. Luckett will be joining us as faculty for the session, and also available 1:1 or to join coaching calls in the coming months to support goal setting, using QI to improve ACEs screening implementation, as well as EHR builds, data capturing reporting, and monitoring.



We are asking teams to develop a draft CALQIC aim statement prior to the session. Please download the powerpoint slides below; slide #1 includes some tips. Please complete slide #2 (your draft CALQIC aims) and send it to Nikki ([email protected]) by December 7.

Download Pre-work PowerPoint Slides Here

virtual event reminders:

  • All sessions will start and end promptly on time.
  • If possible, connect with a webcam on your computer in a quiet place to ensure the best learning experience and interaction with others. If you are calling in by phone, enter your participant ID (your ID is displayed at the top of your Zoom screen). Do this by pressing #number# on your phone (ex: #24#).
  • Re-name yourself: please rename yourself so we know what organization you’re from (ex: Nikki (CCI)). Hover over your name in the participant list and click “Rename”.
  • Be prepared to participate and connect! Voice and camera will be activated for all participants. Upon entry, all participants will be on mute. Please unmute yourself if you have a question during the session. We will use the Zoom functions (polls, breakout groups, chatbox, etc.).
  • Complete the post-meeting evaluation and provide feedback on what you enjoyed and how we can improve the virtual meetings. Doing virtual sessions like this is still new to us and we are always looking to improve!
  • Get help if you need it! If you have any technical questions or experience any difficulty connecting to the Zoom meeting, please reach out to [email protected]