We are so excited to announce the site visit locations for ATSH:PC Wave 2. Site visits inspire and help you learn practical approaches from others, while giving you time as a team to strengthen your teamwork and taskwork.   

Site Visit Descriptions


  • Each team can send up to three individuals from your core team. Your team will attend a site visit together; there isn’t an opportunity to split your team across multiple site visits. We encourage you to select members who would benefit most from the site visit, and at least one person should have decision making authority to try out new ideas in your organization.
  • Breakfast or lunch will be provided at the site visit by the host organization.
  • All travel costs (flights, hotel, other transportation and other meals) will be covered through your ATSH:PC Wave 2 grant award. CCI will not be reimbursing costs.
  • All site visits will be a half day, (approx. 4-6 hours). When saving the date, please allow ample travel time. More travel details will be provided once you’ve been matched with a site visit.


All host sites will review their organization’s care team model, leadership structure, and MAT processes and systems. The structure of the site visits allow for Q/A, small group discussions, clinic tours, and opportunities to speak with different members of the care team. You will have an opportunity to review and provide input on the agenda for the site visit you are attending.

Site Visit Descriptions

You can read the description document to view the site descriptions.