Written by: Center for Care Innovations

CCI, in partnership with Blue Shield of California Foundation and with additional funding from Kaiser Permanente, is launching the second year of the Spreading Innovations Program to spread focused innovations that improve access to care by leveraging technology and care teams more effectively.

Clinics that begin adopting practices that give patients more options for how to access the care they need will be best positioned for success in the future. We are supporting the spread of these specific innovations because they are proven methods that have been used effectively outside the safety net as well as by early adopters within the safety net. As more and more safety net providers work to meet the requirements of medical home certification and meaningful use incentives, as well as prepare for a value based payment reimbursement model, we have seen a growing interest in patient portals, telemedicine, and expanded care team models.

This year, CCI has expanded on its Spreading Innovations program to include additional innovation options and better support the dissemination of successful ideas. The grant and technical assistance program will support organizations to implement one of the following interventions:

  • Co-Visits
  • Patient Portal
  • Telephone Visits
  • Texting Solutions
  • Video Collaboration and Instant Messaging

Through this program, grantees will have access to a variety of tools, including technical assistance, peer support and coaching to help them implement their chosen innovation. Grantees will work with host organizations that have already successfully implemented the innovation in order to gain a clear understanding of how to operationalize the project, gain buy-in from key stakeholders, train staff, redesign workflows and build a business case to sustain the innovation over time. While each grantee will need to adapt the innovation to meet the needs of their patients and staff and to fit with their organizational structure, this connection to a host organization will provide grantees with a solid foundation for their projects.

This year, CCI is also launching the Acceleration Academy, a virtual learning series that will focus on sharing information and resources on other successful projects in the safety net that have not yet been widely adopted. The purpose of the Acceleration Academy is to speed the adoption of these interventions by sharing best practices and lessons learned from those who have already worked to put them in place. The Acceleration Academy will be open to all healthcare organizations that are interested in implementing changes that will prepare them for a value based payment system.

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